Quasar Pool:
Extending Quasar with Liquidity Pools

8 minute read

Find more details about the Quasar and its construction: here
which explains a fully trustless model for enabling fast exits in Plasma (or an equivalent L2 without smart contracts)

This is a continuation that explains a variation in the construction of the quasar, trading off a bit on the trustless side for easier UX/usability. (specifically this is the first implementation used by OmiseGo,)

Note: the Quasar pool mentioned here is a plug-in to pool-in liquidity from several lenders and make things easy for someone running a Quasar contract. It is not an inherent requirement and the most ideal trustless Quasar should have funds pooled in only by the Quasar Owner.

The inception of a Quasar pool:

This is what a trustless Quasar should look like (this just shows the flows of the funds, some steps about Quasar interaction eg: ticket, challenges, ifeClaims haven’t been shown)

quasar_diagram_without external_pool

Here, the Quasar operator would put in funds on the ETH pool, and steps marked in ‘#’ are optional, the Quasar owner can do anything they want with the funds received on plasma after step 1.

Why should an ideal trustless Quasar have funds pooled in only by the Quasar operator?

A trustless Quasar shouldn’t need to trust anybody including the plasma operator. If you don’t trust the plasma operator, you are essentially contesting the validity of the tx inclusion proof (from step 2 of the above diagram). In that case you have a challenge period and prove any false claim wrong (after step 2). So, ideally since you are in control, you should have your own funds at stake, such that whenever there is a need, you actively challenge to protect your funds.

Now also note that the need for a challenge would only come up in case there is a invalid inclusion proof (in other words when the child chain is byzantine - a mass exit scenario)

If in an implementation the plasma operator is also running a Quasar - they trust themselves and hence have an opportunity to remove the challenge period from the Quasar!

This brings us to:

Change 1. Quasar with no challenge period

So we have - a plasma operator that trusts themselves, that they won’t go byzantine and hence, pools in funds on the Quasar.

Now, this can be expanded to have people collectively pool-in funds for the Quasar pool, instead - which brings in participants to stay engaged with the pool and profits, and mostly to avoid putting up a large sum on the pool by the operator themselves.

So the trust model changes gradually from -

Initially: Nobody trusts anybody.

With no challenge period: plasma operator trusts -> plasma operator

With multiple suppliers pool: There are 2 choices:

  • A) With collateral by operator:
    plasma operator trust -> plasma operator
  • B) Without collateral by operator:
    Lenders trust -> plasma operator

In this variation we will assume and go with B)

This brings us to:

Change 2. Quasar pool with multiple suppliers

The structure now looks like this

quasar_diagram_with external_pool

We can try and make it look similar to Compound (think the Quasar contract is the compound supply pool). The borrowers are the exiters, but the one who repays is - the trusted plasma operator.

Compound generates returns on the basis of block time. We do it on the basis of the number of exits.

Returns calculation:

Every output you send to the Quasar owner on Plasma, you can withdraw
output_val - quasar_fee
from the Quasar contract on Ethereum.

This quasar_fee margin will be distributed among the pool of lenders in the ratio of each lender’s stake.
The calculation, we do it in a very similar way to a defi lending protocol, using qTokens.

Each token supplied to the pool has its exchangeRatio (k).

When liquidity is supplied to the pool, we mint qOMG = OMG / k for the supplier.

On withdrawal, qOMG is burnt and OMG = qOMG * k is withdrawn.

The exchangeRatio (k) determines the returns you get.

Fees accumulate in the pool every time a fast exit happens, and k updates to
k’ = f / Tq + k


  • f = fixed quasar_fee from every exit
  • Tq = total qTokens supply

Proof of the equation

Return rates are dependent on the qtokens and the exchange rate k, for that specific token, at that point of time.
Deposits to the pool, for instance OMG will mint qOMG = OMG/k for the supplier
On Withdrawals, qOMG is burnt and OMG = qOMG * k is withdrawn.
Fees accumulate in the pool every time a fast exit happens, and k updates to
k’ = f/Tq + k


Returns Per Exit

Note, the fee has to be distributed for each qToken in the supply of the pool. (the qTokens denote the total supply of the pool)

So your return per exit = no of qTokens you have * fee per qToken

If there are many lenders to the pool, the fee per qToken would be less
If there are small no of lenders, the fee per qToken is more.

We want the number of qToken in the pool to adjust automatically according to their return requirements.

When people supply, more qTokens.
when people withdraw, less qTokens in supply

Returns Per Week

This gives a better idea of the movement in the pool as this brings the number of exits into the equation.
Also, a thing to note is that the returns are compounded.

Returns per week = (quasar_fee per exit * no of exits in the week * no of your qTokens) / qToken total supply

This means the returns will increase/decrease with the increase/decrease in the number of exits

Scenario 1

When the number of exits increases, pool supply is idle:

Returns per lender increases, which may attract more lenders to supply,
which in turn could again normalise the return to the average rate,

If new lenders aren’t attracted, the existing suppliers enjoy higher rates.

Scenario 2

When the number of exits decreases, pool supply is idle:

Returns per lenders decrease, which could mean some lenders withdraw from the pool. The ones who stay in the pool enjoy higher returns. This normalises the return rate to average again

If lenders dont leave, all of them are happy with the lower return rate

Scenario 3

When no one supplies to the pool:

If even one person puts in a supply. He owns all of the qTokenSupply, gets all the returns to himself, which should be quite high.

This makes it a self-regulating pool, in terms of the need or use of fast exits in the system.

The idea is that a higher number of fast exits would need a higher liquidity pool size, and scenario 1 shows that this will incentivize people to supply more

Similarly if there aren’t enough fast exit happening, we are better off with a small pool size(since that would be enough liquidity for a smaller number of exits)

This sums up the tweaks for the construction, and if you are wondering - yes, this was the first iteration and has been implemented in code. Find more about the implementation here.